Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Real Holiness

The Scripture focus tonight was Romans 12: 1-2. In this passage, Paul defines real holiness and the need for each of us to seek that deeper, better way with Christ.

Real holiness is not about rules or rituals, but about relationships.

To find real holiness, we must realize holiness is:

1. Proximity-- The closer we are to Christ, the closer we are to holiness. Proximity to Christ defines our connection to God's plan and work in our lives.

2. Personal-- Holiness in Christ is about changing the deep places of our hearts and souls. The closer we get to Christ the more we are stripped of those places where we hide our broken edges. But, in being more vulnerable, we find the heart of God for and in each of us.

3. Poignant-- I had to look this word up. But, basically, poignant means to find such affect in something that it spills out uncontrollably. Holiness in Christ is not a "managed emotion" but an uncontrollable response to the gracious and power of the Creator.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hurricane Brain and the Storms of Our Lives

Hurricane Gustav missed us and, now, we watch as other storms churn in the Atlantic.

But, what about the storms that churn deep inside each of us every day?

That was the topic at last night’s Table worship service. Yes, attendance was down. We called it “hurricane brain”, but we still had close to 90 folks who joined us for worship, prayer, study and fellowship.

Bo Parker blessed us as he shared his testimony and his wonderful gift of music. And, of course, Communion touched my heart as folks from so many backgrounds joined at… yes, you know what I am going to say… The Table… to remember the amazing love and grace of God.

Oh… and did I mention that our ministry chaplain, Chris Eaton, prayed a moving, heartfelt prayer? Well, he did and it blessed our hearts, too.

Some things to know…

First, we are making a push for folks to serve… somewhere. If you are serving in your local churches—great! If not, we can help find you a place. It is not as complicated as it may appear.

And, we have asked folks to consider giving to the “Hurricane Relief Fund” established by the United Methodist Church in Mississippi. Just send your checks to The Hour and we will make sure it gets to the right folks.

By the way, over the past two weeks, over $1,500 dollars has been raised for The Maji Project. Praise God!

Finally, I am starting a special, more indepth Bible study/conversation on the first Sundays. We are calling it “First and Goal”. We begin October 5th, probably at 5pm, but maybe earlier. Checking on that and will let you know. Our first topic: “The Shack”…

So, invite your friends… better yet, invite your enemies! Jesus would really be proud of that!

Take care and love to you all.