Thursday, August 14, 2008

Written Unwritten Rules...

Many of you have asked about the "values" or "mission" or "focus" of The Table. Well, first, The Table is not another church plant or even a worship service that is in "competition" with other churches. No, we are simply a worship community made up of all kinds of folks who believe Acts 2 Community is not just a catch phrase from 2,000 years ago.

Our mission is pretty simple... Love Jesus and Love Like Jesus.

Go to to learn more about the specifics of who we are and what we want to become...

Oh... there are two written unwritten rules... NOTHING PETTY (we hate petty!-- and, yes, "hate" is a strong word).. and... SAY EVERYTHING IN LOVE.

Other than that... we will consult our brothers and sisters from the first century for guidance.

Oh... Oh... One other thing. We meet on Wednesdays at 6:30pm at The United Methodist Hour. Snacks start at 6:00pm. We have limited childcare, because we believe your children learn best WITH YOU in worship. Of course, we will help you with them-- that is what church families do... And, we will have special connections that help them grow at age appropriate levels and rates. BUT... well, you get the picture.

So... see you on Wednesdays or, in case you can't make it, check back here or at the site for an update on our message and our "weekly serving challenge".

Love you all. Be Salt and Light.. You matter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Tonight was awesome, you, Bo, Anthony, Laurie and all involved did a great job. It is so encouraging to see people like you guys that will step out on faith and seek and do what God has called you to do. My prayers and support are with you.

In Christ,
Brenda Shook